you thought you were accessing my 'webbed page'. however, APRILFO OOLS.

that was just an IMAGE. it wasn't the REAL PAGE. could you tell? i couldn't. i couldn't. i couldn't. i couldn't. i couldn't.

you should have seen your face. look at it. look in the mirror. look at your face. it's too late now, actually. but you should have seen it. your inability to see your own face is a failure on your part and you should feel bad.


seriously, what a FOOL you are.

i mean, can you believe you fell for such a SIMPLE trick? even a four year old could have seen that coming. a four year old with a monitor that isn't 1920x1080, but still.

really, you should have expected something like this. did you FORGET what day it is?

no, i DON'T care that it's not april 1st in your timezone. it is in UTC. deal with it.